Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

An Interview with Melissa Walker

Hi everyone!

 I meant to post this so much earlier, but then life just swept me away. The sweet and lovely Melissa Walker, author of Lovestruck Summer, was kind enough to do an interview with me! Let’s see what she had to say shall we?
1) Describe Lovestruck Summer in 10 words or less.

Indie rock girl meets country cowboy in Austin. Sparks fly.

2) What inspired you to write Lovestruck Summer?
I took a trip to Austin and fell in love with the city. I knew I had to write a book with some Texas charm in it — those boys are hot! (Friday Night Lights, anyone?)

3) Do you have a favorite character in the book?
I’m partial to Russ. He’s my dreamboat.

4) Where do you go for inspiration while writing?
I usually sit in an overstuffed flowery chair in my window (see pic above). People walk by outside and I hear little snippets, but mostly I’m in a zone.
5) What book(s) are you reading right now?

I’m reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, because his book Paper Towns is the pick of the month, and I wanted to read something else by him too! I’m also reading Emily Horner’s debut, A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend, and I’m really enjoying both books.

6) Do you listen to music while writing?

Yes, especially while writing Lovestruck Summer. I listened to a ton of country music and some oldies and indie rock, so I could get a feeling for all of the characters’ tastes.

7) Random question of the day: Chewy candy or hard candy?

I’m partial to chewy. I love gummies!

8) What are you working on now? Can you share a little bit about it with us?

I’m working on a book about a girl who spends her summer on a sailboat, and I need a name for the boat! I have a contest going and the winner will get a box of books. Help!

Thanks for having me, Jessica!


Thank YOU Melissa for taking the time to write such amazing answers! I agree with the Russ part, he’s dreamy….*sigh* perfection. Check back tomorrow my friends for a review of Lovestruck Summer! It’s a really fabulous book!


About the Author: (From her website.)

Melissa Walker is a writer who has worked as ELLEgirl Features Editor and Seventeen Prom Editor. All in the name of journalism, she has spent24 hours with male models and attended an elite finishing school for girls in New Zealand, among other hardships.
In late 2008, she launched I Heart Daily with fellow ex-ELLEgirl Anne Ichikawa. It’s a daily newsletter about likable stuff.
Melissa lives in Brooklyn and has a BA in English from Vassar College. She would tell you her SAT scores too, but, you know, the math part was hard.
She loves meeting teenagers, and is game to speak at your library or school about writing, books, fashion, magazines or pop culture (but, you know, in a smart way).