A treat for you today my friends! C. Lee McKenzie, author of Princess of Las Pulgas, is here for an interview. This interview is a bit special though because it’s answered by both Lee herself AND a character from her other amazing book, Sliding on the Edge. Take some time and get to know them both!
1. If you had to choose an animal to describe you, what would it be and why?
Shawna – It depends on when you ask me this question. Before I came to Sweet River, I would have said my favorite animal was a cat and that would be because cats kill rats. We had some of those in Tuan’s apartment. Now I’d say a horse because of Magic. He’s my first friend and I love him a lot.
Lee – Today I’d pick a giraffe. I’m feeling a tad short and tired of not being able to reach a top shelf without a step. I’m also tired of having to look up to see tall people’s faces. If I were a giraffe, I’d totally love looking down on heads for a change, and anything stored up high would easily be mine.
2. Where would you say is your favorite place to hang out?
Shawna – Hmm. In Las Vegas, I liked to hang out on the Strip where the big hotels and casinos blinked lights all night long. I used to sit by the fountains and watch the water dance in time to music. It was a blast and a lot better there than in Tuan’s apartment house. In Sweet River it gets dark when the sun sets. Kay–she’s my grandmother–lives in the absolute middle of nowhere where they don’t know about street lights. Here my favorite place to hang out is the barn or over at Floyd’s place with Magic. Talk about life change. Sheesh!
Lee – I’m a bookish nerd, so libraries and bookstores are right at the top of the list. Of course, I’m also a hiker, so I spend a lot of time on trails, in fact, that’s one reason I love where I live. I can walk out my door and I’m on a mountain trial in a few minutes.
3. Your friends describe you in just one word. Which one do they use?
Shawna – Magic is my only friend and he calls me stubborn. But he’s the one that’s stubborn. Anyway, he’s a horse, so what does he know about it?
Lee – Oh my. That’s hard. They used to say I was fun; now, since I’ve been writing novels, they say I’m nuts! They want to play and I want to write. They just don’t get what I’m up to.
4. What is a meal that you would consider to be your favorite?
Shawna – I used to live on Chinese take out. My mom wasn’t a cook. Wait, let me change that. My mom wasn’t ever home TO cook. At Kay’s I’m partial to her mashed potatoes. I could eat a bowl by myself if she’d let me, but she’s not about to do that. She’s not about to let me do much of anything I want. She’s got a rule book, and she pulls it out any time in the room with her.
Lee – You’re asking some very challenging questions here! I love to eat everything, so picking ONE food isn’t easy. However, I can eat shrimp any time and any way they’re prepared. I can also eat a lot of them. My family once suggested I sign up for one of those “how much can you eat” contests when the menu was shrimp. I’d have a good chance of winning.
5. Please share with us one wish for the future that you have.
Shawna – That’s an interesting question. I only just found out that I have a future. When I came to live with Kay I pretty much could have answered your question with, “I got nothing in my future.” It’s different now. I’ve got Magic to take care of, so he’s going to be a big part of my future and I hope I’ll be able to give him the home he deserves. Maybe I’ll learn how to run this ranch and help Kay out, get her Arroyo Seco paved all the way to the house, ask Kenny to teach me some vet stuff he knows. Then there’s Casey, the Sunday Boy, who has become kind of important in my life. I guess my wish for the future is to live here and be with the people who love me . . . and Magic, of course because he loves me too.
Lee – Like all reasonable people, I wish we could have peace around the world just long enough for everyone to realize how beautiful their lives could be living in harmony.
And now, it’s giveaway time!
C. Lee McKenzie has offered up a copy of Sliding on the Edge to one lucky winner! You can click the book for more info, but this book sounds fantastic!
Open to U.S./Canada entries only. Check out the giveaway details for more info and don’t forget to leave a comment for Lee!
Giveaway ends May 23, 2011.

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