Today Courtney Rene is here to tour her book, Shadow Dancer. Well actually, her two main characters are here! Sunny and Leif are here to share a bit about themselves with you, and banter adorably. *grins* They are just too cute. Take a look and make sure to add their story to your to read list!
Please describe yourself in a tweet:
Sunny: Happy. Shy but fun. Naive. Intelligent. Loveable and giving. Although not clumsy, quite un-athletic. Willing to try new things and believe in the impossible.
Leif: Cold, driven, focused and demanding. World weary. Will do anything it takes to accomplish a goal. Protective, soft hearted, and giving, through it all.
What would you say is your best quality? Your worst?
Sunny: My best quality is my hair. Does that count as a quality? I suppose I am also smart, but I don’t want to be known for that. My worst is that I am way to trusting.
Leif: My best quality is that I am a born leader. My worst? I’m a bit of a liar. It’s all for the greater good though. I don’t lie to be mean, I do it to get results. It works. Why change?
If you had to pick a favorite song right now, which would it be?
Sunny: Love Remains the Same. That’s Leif and my song. It’s perfect for us. Every time I hear it, I get all soft inside.
Leif: I suppose I would have to agree with Sunny on this one. That song is perfect for us, but my favorite song right now is Grenade.
Do you have a favorite hobby or something to do in your spare time?
Sunny: Oh I read. I love to read. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy my Literature classes at school so much. It doesn’t seem like homework when I have to read.
Leif: I don’t get spare time. I practice combat and weapons training any time I can. I don’t have time for fun and games. Sunny should practice more instead of sticking her nose in a book.
Sunny: Hey! Maybe if you spent a little more time reading you wouldn’t be such a Neanderthal at times.
Leif: Being prepared for bad things, does not make me a Neanderthal.
You have unlimited money to travel the world. Where do you go?
Sunny: I would start out in Australia. Then I would move on to Scotland and Ireland, and England. I would finish it off with Rome and Greece and Italy.
Leif: That’s quite a list.
Sunny: It says unlimited money. Why just pick one?
Leif: Well, I’d go to Rome and study them and their war history. Then I would go to Greece to get the Spartan history. Their training, battles and wars are legendary.
Sunny: Can’t you ever just go to relax, have fun.
Leif: No.
Sunny: Sigh
Thank you Courtney for stopping by!
For more information about the book, see below.
Sunny has a gift that she has no idea how to use, until she meets Leif, a boy from the kingdom of Acadia, on the other side of the shadows.
Leif teaches Sunny about Shadow Walkers and how to use her new found gifts. As they grow closer and their gifts grow stronger, a threat arrives. The Shadow Guard has been sent to bring Sunny back to Acadia, to determine if she is a threat to the king as the rightful ruler of Acadia.
As Leif and Sunny prepare to defend themselves, Sunny finds that Leif has also been sent to bring Sunny back to the kingdom but for very different reasons. As a battle for possession of Sunny wages, she is struggling to come to turns with her feelings of inadequacy regarding controlling her gifts as well as the hurt regarding the lies and deceit of everyone around her.

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