Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Sunday Post / Stacking the Shelves (5)

Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves are hosted by Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Tynga’s Reviews respectively. Click the buttons above to join in the fun!


 I have to share that I discovered the beauty of The Perks of Being a Wallflower movie and I’m in love! I may be late to the party, but I so don’t care. Both the movie and the book are amazing. Anyway, let’s head into the recap!

Are you a fan of Paranormal Romance? Susannah Scott aims to deliver! Enter to win some swag!
It’s not often that you see a book dealing with anorexia and boys. This is a gem.
Where does Samantha Durante’s inspiration come from? Check it out!
A tough read with a twisted ending, this is an intriguing read.
Love sweet romance? This is exactly what you are looking for!
Monday 7/22 – Book Review: Shudder 
Tuesday 7/23 – Book Review: The Code Busters Club, Case #2: The Haunted Lighthouse
                                 Nomad Book Blitz
Wednesday 7/24 – Book Review: Big Girl Panties
Thursday 7/25 – Book Review: Quarantine: The Loners
Friday 7/26 – Book Review: Quarantine: The Saints (Quarantine #2)
                             Quarantine Books Giveaway
Saturday 7/27 – Author Interview: Robert Beck
Physical Copies:
Infinityglass (Hourglass #3) by Myra McEntire
Thank you to Galley Books and EgmontUSA!
From the library:

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau
Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey
Digital Copies:
Dreamscape (Netherworld #1) by Christie Rich
Rose by Holly Webb
Thanks for visiting and sharing in my recap!
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