Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Library Loot (2)

Library Loot is a weekly meme co-hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Marg at The Adventures of Intrepid Reader!
Bloggers are encouraged to share the books they’ve checked out at the library and give a little insight into why they chose them :).
Saw Never After sitting on a “The Librarian Recommends” shelf and I thought, hey why not! The cover is lovely, the premise looks amazing, and it counts towards my Speculative Fiction Goal! I honestly don’t know how this will be, as this author has never come on my radar yet. Still, I’m excited! Check back for my review! 
The Forest of Hands and Teeth has gotten both stellar and awful reviews. Yup, both! So I decided that this book had to be read. Worse case scenario I dislike it and say so, but what if I totally love it? I know that there are a lot of readers out there who take our opinions (book bloggers that is) really seriously, so I never judge a book before I read it through. If I can’t make it through? I say so! 
I was finally able to get my hands on a copy of Need by Carrie Jones this week! I loved this cover, like really loved it and I was so happy! In fact…as I write this I have already read and reviewed it! You can find the review right here my friends! (It was great!)
Finally this week I picked up Wintergirls because every single person I have come across who has read this book has loved it! That and I just love the cover.  Okay yes, sometimes I do judge a book by it’s cover…but only positively! 
There you have it!
Again, there are more books on hold for me at the library. I’m trying to convince my library to buy Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis currently…so if they buy it I get to be first to read it! Woot! So there’s my library loot! What did you get?


  • Kelly

    Wow, you have a great haul this week, I'm looking forward to reading your reviews! 🙂

  • Yaya' s Home

    Looks like you've found some good reads. Thanks for sharing.

    ~ Yaya
    Yaya's Home

  • Blodeuedd

    Loving your loot! So wanna read Forest, and Need

  • Cat

    One of things I love about this meme is seeing all the gorgeous covers lined up. You have some great loot.


  • Robby

    Wintergirls is, by far, one of my favorite books.

  • Linda

    Wow, great loot! Enjoy!

  • Anonymous

    Interesting loot, the books look all very exciting. And they have great covers 🙂 Happy reading!