

If you could see me right now, you would know that I have a HUGE smile on my face :). I am in slight shock!
This morning I signed up for NetGalley after hearing about it on Lifehacker and seeing it mentioned on a few other blogs. It looked promising! You can request e-galleys of books (.pdf files, e-books, etc.) for review and the list on there is growing! 
(NetGalley will be getting it’s own dedicated post Friday, so if you have comments or questions on it come back then for sure!)
Anyhow, I happened to come upon Kersten Hamilton’s new book “Tyger Tyger” and got all giddy inside. First off, the cover is gorgeous, but ever since I read the synopsis I KNEW that this was a book I wanted to read. As a lover of all things fantasy…I was hooked!
Teagan Wyllston grew up hearing about Celtic mythology, night crawlers and banshees, and how the Irish Travelers have been at war with goblin kind since before time. One of her favorite stories is the legend of Fionn Mac Cumhaill, the great hero who defended his people and was cursed by the goblin god for all eternity. It’s a good one, full of powerful beings and romance, but it is just that . . . a story, and nothing more. 

That is, until eighteen-year-old Finn comes unexpectedly into her life. Then, suddenly, the stuff of Irish legend doesn’t seem quite so fantastical. Could Finn be her hero, like his namesake in the stories? Or is Teagan destined to fight the forces of evil herself?


Celtic mythology, goblins, banshees….yes please!
Okay I ramble. Anyway Kersten emailed me and I almost fainted. I have never had an author directly email me, although I know many of the rest of you have. Excitement! She has offered to do a blog interview right here :).
So here’s my question: 
What would you like me to ask her?
I have a few questions in mind that I want to include, but is there anything YOU would like to know? Leave them in the comments please! 😀


  • Alexa

    ooh how exciting. I hadn't heard of this book but it does sound wonderful!

    I'm always interested to know where authors write and of course what book they're dying to recommend.

  • Mary (Bookfan)

    How cool is that?! It is a great cover. I hope you enjoy the book!

  • Lady Q

    Very cool!! I actually discovered NetGalley yesterday myself. I requested 13 galleys, but I don't have an e-reader, so when the publishers approved me I emailed them and asked for print copies and all but one said yes. I'm not familiar with this author but the book cover is enticing!

  • Kathy

    Wow! I guess NetGalley is pretty popular. I just signed up a few days ago, too.
    I love hearing from authors, too. I like to hear what authors they read and what their favorite books are.
    Have fun with your interview.

  • Katelyn

    Congrats on the galley, I'm a member at NetGalley as well and I think it's a great way to get the exposure new releases need, have fun with the read and I can't wait to read the interview!