Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

An Interview with Jennifer DeLucy

*Looks around in delight*

Oh you came back and you brought friends! I love logging on in the morning and seeing some new people who have decided to subscribe the madness that is my blog :). If you could see me right now I am waving madly at you all! Yes…I realize you can’t see me. Still, the thought was there!
Enough about me though, let’s get to know a bit more about the lovely Ms. DeLucy shall we?
1) What inspired you to write Seers of Light?
A couple of things. First, the winter that I began the book was a tough one as far as losing loved ones, and the book seemed like a way to put all of my beliefs into context. That kind of leads to the next reason. 
Over the last several years, I’d read a lot about various spiritual paths and idealogies. And the stories that moved me most enthusiastically were those of near death experiences. I went through this extensive learning spree where I couldn’t read enough about them. I think NDE’s fascinated me so much because they were recounted by people from all walks of life, all points in history, and yet they shared so many commonisms. The similarities were stunning–and more than that, the message was always the same. It’s all going to be okay. Everything has a purpose. We choose this life, and the path is exactly perfect to our needs. Love is the reason for everything, and as long as we act from it, things will work out in the end.
And the last reason, I love ghosts! I love psychological horror and everything that bumps and moans and clatters in the night. So, Seers of Light came of all that.
2) Can you share with us how it felt to be published?
Honestly, it felt right. It was exactly what I’d been working and hoping for, so I was oddly calm. I knew I needed to be doing this, expressing myself this way, so, it felt natural.
3) Do you have a favorite part of Seers?
Oooh, I like this question! And it’s a hard one, too. But, I think my favorite scene was close to the beginning, and probably not one that many folks paid attention to. It was Lily’s first morning in the house, when Ginny drags her into the kitchen for cereal, and she ends up helping William with his crossword puzzle. I don’t know why, but, the subtle flirting feeling of that section always made me smile. Second place would have to be the training scene when William does something a little drastic to get Lily to repel him. (I won’t say too much about that lest I spoil things.)
4) Where is your favorite place to write?
Ideally, I love to write outdoors in the sun, but that’s not always possible. So, second and more commonly, in bed.
5) Favorite author(s)?
Classical: Charlotte Bronte. Current: J.K. Rowling.
6) Chocolate candy vs. fruit flavored candy….what does Jennifer DeLucy like?
This is so unfair. I can’t choose! I love them both equally. In fact, when I work on other people’s manuscripts (I’m an editor), I tend to have both kinds at my disposal to make the process more pleasant. (My current kick is twizzlers, but I have a weakness for Sour Patch Kids and peanut M&M’s.)
7) Where do you go when you need inspiration?
Nature, nature, nature! Walking local trails is so helpful. Being around lots of trees and water seems to refill whatever motivation I lose over time. Also, listening to music is incredibly important, too, since my second love is composing and singing. I have ever-growing playlists for everthing I write. It’s essential.
8) What are you working on now? Can you tell us anything about it?
I’m working on the sequel to Seers of Light, and it’s a continuation of Christian’s story. I can’t reveal who the main protagonist is (female) yet, but I can give you a hint. She’s mentioned by one of Wendell’s Sentients in the second half of the first book.


Thank you again Jennifer so taking the time to answer all my questions!
Seriously my friends, she really is an amazing person. If you are just joining us here at A Fanatic’s Book Blog, take some time to check out the Intro Post to see the rest of the festivities planned this week! Tomorrow, stop back by for a review of Jennifer’s book, Seers of Light.