Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Library Loot (3)

Library Loot is a weekly meme co-hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Marg at The Adventures of Intrepid Reader!
Bloggers are encouraged to share the books they’ve checked out at the library and give a little insight into why they chose them :).
Shiver by Maggie Steifvater
So I think I am one of the only people that has not yet read this book! LOL. Linger is on it’s way out (July 2010!!!) and it sounded so amazing that I kept saying to myself, “I should read Shiver”. Yet, every time I went to the library I kept forgetting. This time? I put it on order and picked it up! YAY!
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Isn’t this cover amazing? I sure think so! Another book that has been crazy prevalent around the blogosphere because the next book is out in November. Cover…*sigh* Um…so yeah it sounded great and I picked it up!
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
A story about a futuristic prison? A daring escape from said prison? What’s not to love! Cover also gorgeous…yes I love covers. Anyway this book looks and sounds amazing. I cannot wait to dive right in!
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
This is beautiful cover week did you notice? Beautiful Creature is a monster of a book. Literally if I picked it up and swun it just right I could probably knock someone out. From what I hear, it’s great! So I am going to give it a try!
Well there you go my friends!

I’ve been keeping at a pretty consistent book ratio. Trying to only take out as many as I have already read! It’s hard to know when ARCs will show up to be read, and I signed up for NetGalley too so I have to make sure I have enough time to read all that I promise :).


  • Adriana

    I've read all of those except Incarceron. I really liked them especially Beautiful Creatures. Enjoy!

  • Kelly

    I loved Shiver, and I have Hush, Hush waiting to be read, so you have a great haul this week! I'm looking forward to your reviews 🙂

  • samantha.1020

    Every single one of these books is on my TBR list. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on some of these!

  • Bybee

    Beautiful Creatures has got one of the best covers I've ever seen.

  • asamum

    You did well this week. I have read all of them apart from Incarceron. Enjoy 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Great loot! I really want to read Shiver 🙂 Happy reading!