“Me Mondays” June 21st
It’s time for the first installment of “Me” Mondays!
Don’t know what this is?
Click HERE to visit the opening post and enter to win!
Random.org has spoken and I’m answering question 6 today.
Fiona Chan of Mostly International Contests + Giveaways asks,
How do you manage your time for reading, blogging and other stuffs?
Great question Fiona! My friends ask me the same thing. How do you have TIME?
Lucky for me I only work 5 hours a day. If you count in the time it takes me to walk to and from work (I don’t have a car) I’m gone from my house about 6 hours a day. Not too shabby! I have a daily schedule, I’ll admit it!
Hello, my name is Jessica and I’m an over analyzer and organizer. Here’s a look at my weekly life:
8:00 or 8:30 am – Wake up (probably fall back asleep a bit) and crack open my blinds. My window faces the beach so the air and the sun wake me up! Spend this time attempting to actually feel awake.
9:00 am – At this point I’m awake and I’ll grab the nearest book to me, since they’re all on my nightstand, and commence reading!
11:00 am – Reading over, it’s time to get up and sit down at my computer to update for the day and browse through my endless blogroll.
12:00 pm – Eat lunch, get dressed and get my behind out the door to work!
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm – WORK! Crazy kids, crazy parents, crazy me. I never look anything but flushed and flustered after work but I love it!
6:30 pm – Come home, make dinner, hang out with the BF.
9:00 pm – BF heads off to bed and I commence reading and posting time! I usually spend this time answering emails, tweeting and writing posts for the next day.
12:00 pm – Bedtime for this girl. (That is unless the book I’m reading I can’t put down…*shakes fist at Fallen*)
I pretty much always sleep 8 hours. If there’s one thing I love more than books, it’s sleep!
Point being I use a lot of my morning and extra night time to read and get posts ready. If I know I’ll be busy for a day or a weekend I get a post ready ahead of time and schedule it :). I’m pretty organized like I said, and I’m still hoping someday to make this a career!
Weekends though? Weekends are mine. I make plans, I go out, I just always carry a book in case some reading opportunity might happen!
Hope that answers your question!
Thank you Fiona for your question! You have received an extra entry into the giveaway since it was the chosen to be answered!
Keep those questions coming everyone! Each question gets you entered to win!