
Guest Post – Jennifer DeLucy on “Doing What You Fear Most!”

Please welcome Ms. DeLucy once more! (She’s my one of my favorite people ever…seriously.) She’s sweetly agreed to offer up an inspirational guest post for all you lovely readers out there as part of our challenge. Let’s see what wisdom she has to impart shall we?
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A Fanatic’s Book Blog asked me to guest post today, and how could I refuse? This is one cool blog. So, I thought about it, and thought about it, and procrastinated till the very last minute, as always, because guest blogs are haaaaard (insert whine here). However, there is something that I love to talk about, and that something is purpose…YOURS, specifically, and everyone else’s, and the role of purpose in my books.

I don’t believe in writing something that doesn’t carry an inspiring message. Inspiration is hard to find in this world, especially where believing in yourself is concerned. After all, it’s easier to defend the defenseless, it makes sense to be proud of our loved ones—but what about us? What about YOU? What’s your destiny in this life? Do you already know? Do you fall asleep and wake up thinking about it? Do you spend every moment you can working toward it? Or is your dream one big, cloudy gray question mark? I bet it’s the latter for a lot of folks. Heck, even though I’ve known, in a general way, what I’ve wanted since I was a little girl, I still feel lost and scared and I question the universe a lot of the time. But, I find that, in encouraging my readers to pursue their own destiny, I’m constantly inspired to continue with my own, and those things that I’m afraid of trying, well, they keep getting chipped away a little at a time.

One of my favorite people of all time, Eleanor Roosevelt, said—and I’m paraphrasing here—that you must do the thing which you think you cannot do. Wow. How freakin’ terrifying is that?! Was she crazy? What was she thinking? THE thing? THAT thing? You know the one… the thing that you’re just aching for but can’t possibly imagine going after. Well, Eleanor thought we should do just that, and I suspect it’s because the thing that scares us most is probably our…wait for it… that’s right, our purpose, or at least a big part of it, and it
will open up the door to so much more opportunity.

In Seers of Light, Lily, the main protagonist, is ready to change her life, but she still doubts her own abilities, her own potential. And there are lots of reasons for this. Some of us dread failure, some of us dread success, some of us just plain don’t think we can pull it off, whatever IT may be. But, I think that every time you step through one flaming ring, the next is easier to fit through, and the flames are smaller. I know that’s how it will be for you. In fact, I might just have to start some kind of Bravery Project. That sounds like a good plan. I want to see and hear about all the little and big brave things you do from day to day. I double, triple, quadruple dog dare you to do something that would normally freak you out and then let me know about it, at jenniferdelucy@gmail.com. I’ll have to take this to my own blog, too!

All righty. That’s about enough babbling from me. Get out there and be bold! And thanks to A Fanatic’s Book Blog for being one of the coolest blogs around.


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Jen….I adore you!

Dear readers, if you haven’t met Jennifer DeLucy via Goodreads or Twitter yet, I must insist you do so now! She is most definitely one of the sweetest and most giving people I’ve ever met. Oh and to top it all off, she’s a stellar author! Stop by my review of her book Seers of Light to see what I mean!