
In which I plan my move to WordPress.

A very short while ago, I decided that I was ready to upgrade from my Blogger space here. I’ve had a blog here in Blogger for an extremely long time, even before I decided to book blog. In all that time I’ve always been missing something. No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to make this space exactly what I want it to be.
Long story short? I’m ready to move it on up.
So, I purchased my own domain name and my own web host space and I’ll be moving over to WordPress software at the end of next month! *cheer* I’ve had to slog through tons of tutorials on HTML code and CSS  sheets, but in the long run I will end up with a much more professional looking page :).
I’m only worried about one thing.

You, my dear dear followers! I hope that you’ll decide to come with me on this epic journey. I think I’ve figured out a way to link this blog to the new one so there isn’t much transition issue, however I hope that you find my blog interesting enough to want to follow me over if that doesn’t work out.
Yay for big plans and moving on up!