Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

The Fanatic Report (1)

This will be a weekly feature, although I haven’t figured out what day yet, where I’ll post all the goodies I find around the Internet!
Listen, read, watch. It’s all here.

Around the Blogosphere:

– Reading With Tequila, one of my favorite book blogs, recently announced her new Goodreads group on her blog! I’m a member and it looks like it is shaping up to be quite awesome.
– I Like a Little Science in My Fiction recently posted a great article explaining why vampires sparkle and I was intrigued! I mean isn’t that something that’s been on your mind? *muffled snicker*
– I also thought I’d share Irene Zeigler’s post this week about the ever present question: When Is Your Next Book Coming Out? She’s so insightful (and funny).
For those who blog and read:

– Novel Noise posted a great article this week explaining all those genres that have been unorganizedly swimming in the back of your head!
For all you writers:

– Adam and Andrew of The Familiars recently posted a comprehensive and fabulous article about generating ideas and finding that AHA moment you’re looking for. Give it a read!

To drooooool over:
– Sprinkle Bakes is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE blogs, for the main reason that she both features delicious food and the recipes to make said delicious food. This week? Oh my, it’s all about the Vanilla Bean Baby Donuts and their utter cuteness. Awwww…..*chomp*

This is Jem’s They and it is a seriously good song! Listen to the lyrics, trust me. Rock that power Jem!


Love it, hate it, want to add something? Shoot me an email!