The Fanatic Report 2
A weekly list of all things interesting on the Internet!
Watch, Read and Listen. It’s all here my friends. It’s all here.

I read a lot of blogs. So I love to share what I read!
Let’s start out with things that are happening right here at A Fanatic’s Book Blog.
* This week I opened the “You Choose” Giveaway to celebrate my blog followers. Come on over and enter to win tons of great books!
* IB Book Blogging was also sweet enough to ask me to guest post today. I wrote a letter to the Romance genre, because truthfully I think I’ve fallen in love!
* The amazing Kristi over at The Story Siren dedicated her “Dear Story Siren” post to what Houghton Mifflin is looking for in book requests. Last week was Penguin. This is some great information!
* Parajunkee helped us dive into why our blogs might be loading so slow. Nice to know there’s a fix for such irksome things isn’t it?
* Author Laura Kreitzer brought up some great points this week about how to be constructive in reviews versus being abusive, and how authors need to take our criticism to heart.

* If you ever wanted to know which Dystopian future is right for you, well you’ve found the right place. Personally I’m partial to the deadened wasteland and survival. Oh yeah!
* Scholastic and Suzanne Collins teamed up to ask readers, please no spoilers! We all want Mockingjay to be a surprise don’t we?
* Nymfaux explains her take on Twilight and why Bella is a lot stronger than she seems.
* Online Colleges presents us with the Top 10 books that have a cult-like following. What do you think? Are there any that you would add/subtract?

* Jodi Meadows discusses the finer points of writing an effective Query Letter.
* Kiersten White explains that as cool as crutches may seem, they should never become a part of your writing.
* Loving this Jello office prank! I need to figure out how to incorporate this at my work someday.
* The Oatmeal shares with us the finer points of Sucking at Facebook. This seriously made me laugh out loud! How many of these people do you know?
* What is it about 20-somethings in this new world? This article addresses the concept of “emerging adulthood” and how we (yes I include myself) are blowing the minds of the past generations.

If you haven’t already seen it…where have you BEEN? Here is the Clockwork Angel trailer in all it’s amazing and tantalizing glory!
Love it, hate it, want to add something? Email me!