Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

The Fanatic Report 7

Oh man, when was the last time that I actually did one of these? I’m pretty sure it’s been a month. Sorry all! Did ya miss it? I hope so!
Bringing you all the news you need to know from around the blogosphere!
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From the home base, here is what you need to know this week.
* If you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere and haven’t yet noticed, I’m giving away a copy of Paranormalcy! It ends October 31st, so enter now, here!
* My blog design packages are up AND I’ve taught myself to do animated buttons! Want something cool to jazz up your blog? Give me a holler!
* I made a cover for a Nightshade Cover Recreation Contest and would love some feedback. Good or bad honestly, it helps me build my skills.
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* If you had questions about NetGalley, or were wondering how to get those darn eGalleys onto your Ipod/Ipad, Parajunkee is here to help!
* Again, if you’ve been hiding under that rock you’ve probably missed The Story Siren’s weekly spotlight on publishing houses. She gets the hard questions answered about requesting ARCs, so you don’t have to be in the dark anymore!
* I liked this article on commenting, although it’s geared more towards authors. What do you think?
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* Did you hear? The Twilight hand model (yes the woman whose real hands are on the cover) has come forward and is looking for some fame. Can you blame her? Her hands are immortalized!
* I honestly had no idea that YA Graphic Novels existed out there, but now my interest is totally peaked.
* What is “Women’s Literature” to you? I wasn’t sure, but after reading this article I feel like I’ve been set pretty straight.
* Apparently sales of picture books are on the decline, since parents are pushing their children harder. NO! I love picture books, even at 26. It’s true.
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* Some inspiration for you? Take a look inside the home of John and Sarah Green! It’s amazing! I want to move in with them, seriously.
* Kiersten White says it doesn’t matter what genre you love to write, as long as you OWN IT.
* Have writer’s block? Here are some techniques for dealing with that sucker!

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* If you were curious about the difference between Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction, or if you know someone who needs it explained to them, here is your article.
* Bored? You can always watch this awesome video compiling some famous last words in movies. How many movies can you name?
* My all time favorite food website, EpiCute, featured this “Ice Cream Sandwich” that I just love.

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Even though the video is a little odd, I’m now in love with this song. Thank you Travis!

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Hope you enjoyed! If you loved a link, let me know!