Book Reviews

Book Review: The Diva Doctrine

Media Type: Book
Title: The Diva Doctrine
Author: Patricia V. Davis
Publisher: Bonneville Books
Pages: Paperback; 160
Release Date: May 8, 2011
Source: Cedar Fort Books

Genre: Self-Help
HDB Rating: 5 Keys to My Heart
Recommended to: Women who are looking for something uplifting and funny to read.
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Patricia V. Davis may be the first to tell you she’s an expert in failed relationships. But ask any of the readers who helped a post on her advice blog go viral, and they’ll say that whether you’re wide-eyed twenty-something dreamer, the world’s grooviest grandma, or something in between, there’s no one better able to help you on your way to becoming a True Diva!

I’m not usually big on reading books from the self-help genre. However when I saw the cover for The Diva Doctrine I’m going to admit that I was really intrigued! The simple fact that there were exactly 16 universal principles to follow in order to become a diva made me pretty curious. What would they be? So, I snuggled into bed and opened up the book.

The first chapter just blew me away and I was drawn in from there. In this chapter Patricia V. Davis actually explains where her inspiration for this book came from, and points out a lot of parts of her life where she’s learned things she wants to share with other women. As the book progresses, she names and outlines each of her universal principles. I really loved her wisdom, and her tongue in cheek jokes. Her writing style is extremely comfortable, like she is sitting there right in front of you to have a conversation. In fact I’m pretty sure that I giggled more than a few times while reading! Oh and lest you think that you’re being drawn into a book about how to be an obnoxious woman, let me reassure you, Patricia lays out the fine line between diva and Diva!
As for the principles themselves, I couldn’t agree more! Each chapter shares something that, honestly, seems like common sense. However while I was reading I stopped to think about how often I had actually considered any of these things. For instance, loving yourself. Your whole self. Right down to that nose that drives you crazy, or your large behind (which yes I have). Throughout the book Patricia pulls examples from her own life, and shares her mistakes and what she learned from them. What I loved is that she doesn’t seem down trodden by everything she has been through. Quite the opposite actually! She’s learned to laugh a bit at it, learn from it, and share it in an effort to help other women out there avoid making the same mistakes.
There’s really not much else that I can say! I adored every second of reading this book and I’ll be spreading it around to all of my friends and family as a recommendation! As Patricia says, we need to learn to nurture one another as women, and help each other grow. This book is a great step on the way to that! I wish that every woman would read it, because it definitely makes you think.

FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.