Talking with Nick from The Lucky Kind and a giveaway!
The lovely Alyssa Sheinmel is here today to share some more goodness from The Lucky Kind. Nick, the adorable main character, is here to share some things he loves about his girlfriend, Eden. Isn’t that cute? (insert awwww here) Let’s go!
Top Ten Things that Nick Brandt Loves About Eden Reiss
The Lucky Kind is about, among other things, Nicholas Brandt and the girl he loves, Eden Reiss. Herewith, the top ten things that Nick loves about his girl.
- The dark brown freckle on her right knee, just waiting to be kissed.
- The way she seems so much cleaner than everyone else.
- The way the polka-dots on her bras show under her shirts, without ever looking sleazy.
- Eden is a girl who is always ready with the perfect snappy comeback. On the rare occasions that Nick can stump her, he is blissfully happy.
- She’s very slim, but there’s a hint of softness around her belly that’s smooth like sheets pulled tight over a plush mattress.
- When she puts her hair into a ponytail, it inevitably falls out.
- She reads historical biographies for fun.
- She steals Nick’s scarf when she’s cold.
- She’s an old soul.
- She’s really much smarter about relationships than Nick is.
Oh my gosh, adorable right? I sure thought so!
If you want to know more about Nick, Eden and their sweetness you can check out my review.
Giveaway Time?
Up for grabs are two copies of The Lucky Kind. The book comes out May 10th, so you have a chance to get your own free copy right after the release date! How cool is that?
Read the giveaway guidelines before entering. Giveaway is open to U.S. entries only. Comments, while always appreciated, are not counted as entires!
Giveaway ends May 18, 2011.