Chatting with Zoe from Flying Blind & a giveaway!
Please welcome to the blog today, Deborah Cooke! She is the author of Flying Blind, which I recently reviewed, and is here to share with us a little more about her main character. Zoe is a spitfire and I loved her! I was able to interview her and get a little more insight into her life.
1) Hi Zoe! Welcome to the blog! If you had to describe yourself in just one word, which one would you choose?
I’d say creative. I think my dad would say stubborn.
2) What are your thoughts on being the next Wyvern?
I really hope I can do it! It would be helpful if there was someone to ask for advice, but there isn’t. That leaves me just feeling my way, and guessing. That would be one thing if I didn’t think someone – or something – was targeting the dragon shifters.
3) Share with us a little bit about your smoldering sidekick, Jared. Anything you’d like us to know?
He has the greenest eyes in the world. He makes me feel edgey, but not in a bad way. Excited and provoked too. It’s annoying that he seems to know more about the Wyvern job than I do – even more annoying that he won’t share much. He says I should trust my intuition. Is that true? Or just his way of leading me on?
4) Do you have a favorite part about being a Pyr?
Well, before everything started for me, there was just the eye candy. I really liked how my pals – Nick, Garrett and Liam – look in dragon form, too, although it’s been a bit of a drag that I couldn’t shift, too. The power is amazing, but again, it’s been a bite that I didn’t have it. My favourite thing as a kid was when my dad would fly us someplace on his own Dragon Air. Now, I want to be able to do that myself.
5) What is one thing that you are looking forward to most?
But that’s just the dragon bit. In terms of the Wyvern, I’d love to be mysterious. The ability to dispatch dreams is pretty high on my wish list there. (Do you think Jared would find me more interesting if I was enigmatic? Or is he just a dragon fan?)
6) Finally, is there anything that you’d like to share with readers before they start along your epic adventure?
Hmm. Maybe you shouldn’t underestimate anyone. You never know what secret powers someone around you might have!
Thank you for sharing Zoe!
And a huge thank you to Deborah Cooke for stopping by today, and bringing along….a GIVEAWAY!
Up for grabs is one SHINY finished copy of Flying Blind!
You must be a U.S. resident to win.
Although I love comments, they won’t be counted as entries (but they will make me smile).
Giveaway ends June 28, 2011.