Publication road, with Cheryl Rainfield
Cheryl Rainfield is on a blog tour to promote the paperback release of her popular book, Scars. She is a wonderful person, and an equally wonderful writer! I’m proud today to host a guest post she wrote about her road to publication. What I love about this is that she’s so honest. I’ll let Cheryl do the talking though.
I tend to be shy and an introvert—though I’m getting better at being more comfortable around people—and since I’m also a survivor, there can be triggers for me. So some of my scariest moments have been when I had to put myself out there , live, in front of people, and talk—at my first book launch, my first book signing, my first YA author coffee klatch (going from table to table every 4 minutes to talk to librarians about my books), and going on TV and radio for interviews. What I found each time was that I had a huge amount of anxiety beforehand, and sometimes triggers from the abuse, but once I was actually doing the event I was okay. And afterwards, I felt more able to handle it the next time around.
Some of my most rewarding moments are the letters I get from readers, telling me how Scars moved them, how it helped them—helped them to understand self-harm, to have more compassion, to know they’re not alone, to talk to someone or to go into therapy, to stop cutting, to not kill themselves. It means so much to me. Those letters feel like treasure to me, and that never goes away—and I get 2-5 reader letters a week. I feel so very lucky!
Alternatives To Self-Harm:
How To Stop Self-Harming
Helpful Responses to Someone Who’s Self-Harmed
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