Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

A giveaway just for all you WRITERS out there!

I am one of the minority it seems, in the book blog world. I’m just a reader, not so much a writer. Well, unless you count the copious ramblings I shoot off on here semi-daily? Then, perhaps.
Without YOU however my friends, those people who love to spin a good tale and put it up for others to enjoy, there would simply be nothing for me to read. So, I salute you! I also want to help.
That’s why when I was approached by Prufrock Press to review Seize the Story: A Handbook for Teens Who Like to Write, I asked them instead if I could offer up those copies to all of YOU! They sweetly said yes. Lucky ducks, you.

Up for grabs are 3 (yes THREE) copies of Seize the Story: A Handbook for Teens.

Do you wish you had a published writer’s secrets at your fingertips, ready to help you achieve your goals of publication, success, and the chance to be the next great teen writer? In Seize the Story: A Handbook for Teens Who Like to Write, Victoria Hanley, award-winning author of young adult fiction, spills the secrets for bringing action, adventure, humor, and drama to stories. All of the elements of fiction, from creating believable dialogue to exciting plots, are laid out clearly and illustrated with examples taken straight from story excerpts by excellent writers. The book is packed with writing exercises designed to encourage teens to tell the stories that are theirs alone.

In addition, other published authors of young adult literature share their insights about the writing life. Teens can gain firsthand advice from accomplished writers T. A. Barron, Joan Bauer, Hilari Bell, Chris Crutcher, David Lubar, Lauren Myracle, Todd Mitchell, Nancy Garden, and many more.

You must be in the U.S. or Canada to win!
Fill out THIS FORM to enter.
Good luck! The giveaway ends October 28, 2011.