Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

An Interview with Matt Myklusch and your chance to win a book!

This lovely gentleman is the amazing Matt Myklusch! In case you’ve been living under a rock all week, the latter half of the blog week has been dedicated to him and his Jack Blank Adventure Series. Let me tell you, best series I’ve ever read. Hands down.
He’s here today to share an interview with you, and because I love these books so much I’m including a giveaway below! So read on, enjoy and don’t forget to comment!


1) Hello Matt, and welcome to HDB! Let’s start with the basics. What one word would you use to describe yourself?

Lucky. I am extremely lucky because I get to do exactly what I want to do for my job every day. I love to write and look forward to my work like you wouldn’t believe. That’s not the case for most people, and for most of my life, it wasn’t the case for me, either. I have to remind myself of that sometimes. We all have different definitions of success, and it’s easy to keep moving the finish line for having “made it.” On one level, I don’t know that I’ll ever be satisfied with my success as a writer until there is an Imagine Nation theme park in Orlando, FL and a blockbuster Jack Blank film franchise. But, on another level, I’m totally capable of appreciating what I’ve got right now, right where I am. Just to get to do exactly what you want to do and get paid for it… that’s real success, and I’m lucky to have it so young.
Well, relatively young ;]
2) According to your biography, you’re quite the superhero fan! You knew it was inevitable, so here it comes. Who is your favorite superhero and why? Also, if you could have a super power of your very own what would it be?
My favorite superhero is Wolverine. Has been ever since I was a kid. The first X-Men comic I ever read was issue #211, which kicked off a big crossover event called The Mutant Massacre. In that story, Wolverine was the coolest, toughest hero I had ever seen. The claws, the healing factor, the badass attitude… I used to wish I had his powers, but these days I don’t think razor sharp adamantium claws would come in too handy for me. Maybe if the waiter forgot to give me a steak knife or something. I just don’t get into too many knife fights these days. When I was a kid, sure… but no, not now.
If I had my own superpower, it would be the ability to make my dog stop barking. That might seem like a waste of a super power to you, but trust me, if you lived with my dog…
3) What would you say is your favorite part about being a writer? Where do you draw your inspiration from?
The best part about being a writer is that I have made my hobby my job. It’s not just a line to say I would do this with or without a book deal. I did do it that way for years! Like almost every other writer out there, I spent years making time on nights and weekends, trying to get these stories out of my head and onto paper (or into the computer). To someone who isn’t a writer at heart, that might seem like an odd way to spend your time. After all, it’s a lot of work. But, I always wanted to do it so that I could share my stories with other people. I have so many story ideas in my head, and the only way to make other people see them the way I see them is to write them down. Now, I get to do that all the time.
4) Zombies attack. You can three items to take with you as you run out the door. What do you take?
1. Samurai sword (which is kept by the back door in my house, just as it is in most every American home)
2. Mountain bike
3. This book:
5) Do you have any upcoming projects that you are really excited about? Many a tiny bit to share?
I have been working on a new project for a while now. It gave me some trouble at first, but I really feel like I have got this story straight now, and I’m loving it. Don’t want to say too much about it because it’s still a work in progress, but I can give you a hint. One word. “Arrrr.”
Thank you Matt for the wonderful answers! I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve for your next book :). I’ll be eagerly waiting.
Up for grabs is your choice of any of the Jack Blank Adventures! The winner can choose The Accidental Hero, The Secret War, or the newest book The End of Infinity. So no matter where you are in the series, I’m sharing the love!
Open everywhere that Book Depository ships. I’ll pick a winner on August 18, 2012. Good luck!