5 Facts + An Interview with Alivia Anders!
Well you better be, because today on the blog it’s all about Alivia Anders. She is the author of The Illumine Series, which you can see in her awesome dossier below. Illumine and Obumbrate are already out for your reading pleasure, and Riven is coming so very soon!
Now, please enjoy some facts and an interview as Alivia tours Riven around the web!
5 Facts + An Interview with Alivia!
1- My first time using a circa 70-80’s sewing machine to complete a HUGE project, I made a fully lined, stitched and movie accurate Harry Potter Ravenclaw robe. Then proceeded to wear it to the final event in full garb.
2- One of the items on my bucket list is to get a tattoo, namely of my baby brother who passed away. You know, as soon as I overcome the needle phobia.
3- I’ve tried to donate blood, twice. First time I passed out, and apparently went all cold and blood pressure tanked or something. Was no bueno. Second time, after they knew my past attempt, they pulled me out halfway through when I said I felt a little dizzy. But hey, free cookies and juice!
4- I think girls with long, silky hair are incredibly gorgeous. But I’d never want that kind of hair for myself. Too much maintenance and whatnot.
5- Taco Bell should just give me a lifetime pass for free nachos. That’s how much I go there in a year.
1) When did the author bug bite? Did you always know you wanted to write, or did something spark that in you?
Writing for me was definitely not an instinctual thing. I enjoyed writing as a child, but the writing bug really didn’t bite me until I discovered RPG forum sites. From the first day I browsed one, it was all it took for me to flourish and write all the time. I can still remember my parents fighting with me over me being on these boards, afraid I could be interacting with dangerous people, but I stuck to my guns (and found ways around their child blocks) and was lucky to have never encountered creepy people online. About two years into writing online, I came across Writing Forums, and that’s where the author bug kicked in. I had always entertained the idea of being an author professionally, but it wasn’t something my parents liked, so I pushed it aside and considered countless other ideas before coming back to it. It’s been water under the bridge ever since.
2) I know this is like asking you to choose a favorite child, but who would you say is your favorite character from your own writing?
For the record, I love every character I create, big or small. Even if I only love a single piece of them, haha! My all-time, longest standing favorite character is Lilix, hands down. She was one of the first characters I created, and she’s stuck with me over the years. When I thought of the chance of writing a series of novels for her and some of the characters she had interacted with over the years, I leapt onto it. I cannot tell how you excited I am to release those novels in the future.
3) What advice would you give to aspiring writers out there?
Don’t ever quit- listen to your gut. As much as I wouldn’t change a thing of my current standing, I do wish that I had stayed true to my heart and pushed to be an author earlier on. They say a true author is one who never gave up- I believe in that one hundred percent.
4) Okay, enough serious stuff. Let the craziness begin! Since you and I both know unicorns are real, let’s talk dream rides. Please describe your dream unicorn for us.
Ooooh, I like this one! My dream unicorn would have to be light pink, like cotton candy, and maybe even taste like cotton candy, you know, if you were tempted to lick a unicorn and all. Light purple mane, sparkly, and the horn and hooves have to be rainbow colored. Black eyes, though, definitely black eyes. Can I add really huge baby blue wings, too?
5) A fairy god mother shows up and says she’ll grant any wish that you’d like. What do you wish for?
A year with JK Rowling. We’d have tea, and work on collaborative projects, and maybe spontaneously meet Daniel Radcliffe too for lunch. Ahhhh, that would be the life.
6) To wrap things up, name your top 5 snack foods as fast as you can! GO!
Bahaha! This is easy. Twix, cheeze its, microwave burritos (beef and bean), onion rings with zesty sauce, and chocolate dipped coffee beans. Holy crap, now I’m hungry.
And that, my friends, is Alivia Anders.
Coolest person I know, and amazing author to boot. If you haven’t read Illumine or Obumbrate yet, get on it! Click the titles to add them to your Goodreads. Also, make sure to enter below for your chance to win all sorts of goodies in honor or the third book in the series, Riven! Enjoy!