Book Review: Breathe
Media Type: Print Book
Title: Breathe
* Series: Breathe #1
Author: Sarah Crossan
Publisher: Greenwillow
Pages: Hardcover; 373
Release Date: October 2, 2012
Source: Library
Intended Reading Group: Young Adult
Content Screening: Mild Violence
HDB Rating: 3 Keys to My Heart
Recommended to: Lovers of dystopian fiction. Readers who are okay with a little violence in their reading.
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Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe . . . The world is dead. The survivors live under the protection of Breathe, the corporation that found a way to manufacture oxygen-rich air.
Alina has been stealing for a long time. She’s a little jittery, but not terrified. All she knows is that she’s never been caught before. If she’s careful, it’ll be easy. If she’s careful.
Quinn should be worried about Alina and a bit afraid for himself, too, but even though this is dangerous, it’s also the most interesting thing to happen to him in ages. It isn’t every day that the girl of your dreams asks you to rescue her.
Bea wants to tell him that none of this is fair; they’d planned a trip together, the two of them, and she’d hoped he’d discover her out here, not another girl.
And as they walk into the Outlands with two days’ worth of oxygen in their tanks, everything they believe will be shattered. Will they be able to make it back? Will they want to?
Bea lives in a world where breathing is no longer a right, but a privilege. The rich have ample amounts of oxygen, while the poor have to perform the most menial work to earn a minimal amount. I have to admit that I was totally drawn in by the world that Sarah Crossan built in Breathe. I settled in and prepared to find out what was in store for her characters.

FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.