Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

Snark and Circumstance: Match and Win!

Just in time for a holiday dedicated to love, Swoon Romance is here to swoop in and spread the romance! I’m proud to be on the blog tour supporting Snark and Circumstance, an adorable YA adaptation of the much beloved Pride and Prejudice.

Snark and Circumstance by Stephanie Wardrop

One superior smirk from Michael Endicott convinces sixteen-year-old Georgia Barrett that the Devil wears Polo. His family may have founded the postcard-perfect New England town they live in, but Georgia’s not impressed. Even if he is smart, good looking, and can return Georgia’s barbs as deftly as he returns serves on his family’s tennis courts. After all, if Michael actually thinks she refuses to participate in lab dissections just to mess with his grade, he’s a little too sure that he’s the center of the universe. Could there be more to Michael Endicott than smirks and sarcasm? If Georgia can cut the snark long enough, she just might find out.

Now, seeing as how Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite reads of all time, I had to be on this tour! My review will be coming soon, but in the meantime take a moment to see if you can solve the matching game below! Are you a fan of the Bennetts? Well meet the Barretts! Afterwards don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom and enter to win an ebook copy of Snark and Circumstance. Good luck and happy reading!

Matching Game 
Match the Snark and Circumstance Character to their Counterpart in Pride and Prejudice based on these quotes:
Georgia Barrett
Mrs. Bennett  
“She was a woman of mean understanding, 
information, and uncertain temper…
The business of her life was to get her daughters
married,  its solace was visiting and news.”
Michael Endicott
Lydia Bennett
“a well grown girl of fifteen,
with a fine complexion and a
good-humored countenance…
high animal spirits, and a sort of natural
self consequence, the attention of
[some army] officers…
had increased
into assurance.”


Tori Barrett
Miss Caroline Bingley 
“began abusing [Elizabeth] as soon as
she was out of the room.  Her manners
were pronounced to be very bad indeed, 
mixture of pride and impertinence; 
she had no conversation, no style, no taste,
no beauty.”
Cassie Barrett
Fitzwilliam Darcy  
“He was discovered to be proud, to be
company, and
above being pleased.”
Trey Billingsley
Elizabeth Bennett  
“There are few people whom I really
and still fewer of whom I think well. 
The more I see of the world, 
the more I am dissatisfied
with it….”
Willow Harper
Mr. Bingley
“just what a young man ought to be…
Sensible, good humored, and lively.
And I never saw such happy manners!
– so much
ease, with such perfect breeding.”
Leigh Barrett
Mary Bennett 
“very gravely replied, 
`Far be it from me, my dear
to depreciate such pleasures… 
But I confess [the party] would have 
no charms
for me.
I should infinitely prefer a book.’”
Mrs. Barrett
Jane Bennett   
“a great deal
too apt to like people in 
general. You
never see fault in anybody. 
All the world are good and 
agreeable in your eyes.



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