Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Feature & Follow Friday #176 – I’m a featured blogger!

I am featured this week on Alison Can Read ! I’m really excited! If, you know, you couldn’t tell by the use of so many exclamation points. If you’d like to follow me you can choose any of the options over in the left hand side bar, or just click the lovely BlogLovin’ button below! Thanks!

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1. When did you start blogging?

Wow, almost four years ago! In April 2010 I stumbled my way into the book blogging world and haven’t looked back since. I was fascinated by the fact that there were other people out there who loved books as much as I did! It was like a dream come true!

2. What is your favorite part of book blogging?

I’d have to say it’s a tie between being able to share my opinions with other like-minded individuals, and the community that I found since I started up. I know people come and go, but there are always bloggers to talk to. Always other bibliophiles to gush over new titles with and drool over new covers. It’s nice to have a set of people who don’t run screaming when you babble on and on about your favorite series. I also completely love helping people find favorite new reads or, better still, helping them rediscover why reading is such an awesome pastime. It makes me feel good to share what I love! 

3. What type of books do you mainly blog about?

In truth, I dabble in reading a little bit of everything. I think Young Adult books dominate my blog a lot of the time, simply because they end up being blog tours. However if you take a look at my reading list, you’ll see everything from picture books to Historical Fiction. I read whatever strikes my fancy, and blog the same way. Can I just say I mainly blog about good books? 😉

4. What are your favorite books?

Once again, it’s a tie! There are two books that I’ve dog-eared, smashed, torn, and then had to buy another copy multiple times since I was young. The first is The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. I still remember the first time I cracked open a copy and was lost inside. I loved the puns, and the playful writing. To quote my favorite part, “So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.” That’s just what a young reader needs to hear. The second is more recent, and that’s The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. I don’t know what it is about Gaiman’s writing, but I’m drawn to it. Nobody Owens became my favorite character from the moment I met him, and I’ve happily passed copies of this book on to as many people as I can since then.

5. What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?

Honestly? The friends I’ve made. People who, despite never having met them in person, I’ve had phone conversations with, laughed with, and totally connected to. It’s always funny to me how the people I’ve met through blogging are such an important part of my life, even though we’ve never been in the same room together. Social media has really changed the way people interact. I totally love it!

This week’s question:

You Are It! We are playing #FF tag this week. Comment on as many blogs as you can, even if they aren’t participating in #FF. Just say Happy #FF! At the end of your comment. Keep a running total if you want and update your post with it. The bigger the number the more impressed we will be!

How exciting! I love nothing more than finding new blogs to follow, and new people to chat with! I’ll be updating the number below as I skip around and do some visiting. Let’s see how many I can get to, shall we? I’m going to set a goal of at least 20, because I’m bad ass like that ;).
Current count:
5! – And counting…