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Book Spotlight + Giveaway: In An Instant by Janae Mitchell

Today I have the honor of helping Janae Mitchell share her brand new release, In An Instant. For those of you out there who enjoy contemporary romance, this might be right up your alley!

Sixteen year old Emersyn Moore spends her summer days working part-time in a book store, enjoying her next read, and hanging out with her best friend, Brianna. She also spends a lot of time admiring Brianna’s older brother, Kaden, who has made it clear that he sees Emersyn as nothing more than a sister. Emersyn concedes to her sisterly role, keeping her feelings to herself, as well as the fantasies she knows will never become reality. However, when Kaden is involved in a disabling accident, everything changes, including their relationship.

Will it tear them apart, making her long for the sisterly role she’d always despised, or will this life altering experience bring them closer together, forcing Kaden to see her in a new light? Only time will tell.
Time. They say it will heal all wounds, but Emersyn knows that’s a lie. Some wounds never heal, which is evident every time she looks at Kaden.
If this sounds like something  you’d be interested in, read on! There’s goodies galore below, including a giveaway from Janae Mitchell herself! Enjoy, and happy reading!

In An Instant is the one story that has come from my heart more than any other book I’ve written. Kaden, one of the main characters, suffers injuries that most would think would make life unlivable, at least to the point where a normal life would never be accomplished. However, my nephew suffered the same fate in a similar accident, and even though his life’s story is totally different than Kaden’s, both lives give me hope. Every time I see my nephew smile, it’s like a rainbow, letting me know that the storms of life, as severe as they may seem, are only temporary. The sun will always return, and it’s up to us as to how we’re going to enjoy it.

About the Author

“First & foremost, I’m a country girl. I’m no different than most, I just happen to write… a lot. If I’m not writing books, I’m reading them. I live for the HEA! I’m a huge fan of readers! They breathe life into the books we give birth to. Thank you, fellow readers, for making books come alive.” ☺
Janae was born and raised in East Tennessee, where she currently resides with her husband, two children, and their hairless dog, Dobby. In her spare time, she likes to read, play tennis, and spend time with her family on the lake.

Online Release Event 

To celebrate her most recent release, Janae is hosting an IN AN INSTANT Release Event! There will be several other authors there throughout the day celebrating with her and doing giveaways for all the loyal readers who attend, so make sure you join! (Click on event photo below to join!)



FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.