Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

Author Spotlight: Kellyn Roth

Happy Valentine’s Day my bookish darlings! Or, as the bag of candy my husband so thoughtfully purchased for his coworkers calls it, “Friendship Exchange Day”. I kind of love that, to be honest.
Anyway, I digress! I’m not here to talk about chocolates, wine, kisses and romance. (Although don’t be shy and come find me on Twitter if you DO want to talk about those things.) I’m here to spotlight another wonderful author and her gorgeous books. As it turns out, one of these books is also FREE today and tomorrow! So treat yo self, and go pick a copy up!


First up, we have The Lady of the Vineyard.

Best of all, this novella is only 90 pages long. So if you’re looking for something to devour while cuddling on your couch tonight, this is definitely an option. Buy links are below, as well as more about Kellyn Roth herself!
Find it on: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
Secondly, and this book I’ll be reviewing soon, we have The Dressmaker’s Secret.

London, England, 1870

It comes to the attention of curious eight-year-old Alice Chattoway that her father is seemingly nonexistent. After realizing that his absence is making her mother unhappy, Alice becomes determined to find him and pull her family together. But Miss Chattoway’s answers to her daughter’s questions are vague at best and Alice begins to wonder if she will ever discover her mother’s secret.

Find it on: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
This beauty is only $3.99 on Amazon at the moment, so if you finish the novella and are eager for more, I fully recommend you pick this up!

Kellyn Roth has been writing stories since she was seven, though she wrote quite a few (awful) poems and songs before that. She is the author of the Christian historical fiction novel, The Dressmaker’s Secret, and of The Lady of the Vineyard, a romance/literary fiction novella set in 1938.

Miss Roth lives in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge in Oregon with her parents, two little brothers, faithful border collies, Gidget and Riley, annoying but lovable cat, Sparrow, and assorted cows and chickens. She is a Christian homeschooled highschooler who spends her non-writing time reading, ranting about her characters, and writing biographies. Well. She’s about to give up that hobby at least …

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