Vacations, Babies, and Blogging- Oh My!
If you’ve been following our blog for a bit, you know that I’m a mom to a wonderful almost 2 year old whom I lovingly refer to as Peanut. Well back in April we welcomed a wonderful baby brother for her to play with, Batman (also a nickname ). Our transition to a family of 4 has been exciting and challenging, but alas hasn’t left me with a lot of spare time. I do read lots of children’s books with my toddler, over and over and over and over again, but will get back to adult books soon. The love of reading is something I truly hope to pass down to both of the kids, and if Peanut’s current excitement about story time is any indication, she will be reading books for the rest of her life.
Those of you in our vast reading community that have young kids- share with me your secrets of getting in uninterrupted time. Am I bound to just read during naps and after the kids go to sleep? Help a fellow reader out with some advice- pretty please?
I have managed to read a few books since Batman arrived and am currently 1/4 of the way through the massive American Gods by Neil Gaiman so look for that review on the blog in the coming weeks. For now I need to jump off the computer as I hear Batman stirring.
As always, thanks for your readership and for continuing to follow our sometimes quiet little blog. We appreciate all of you!