Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (6/18/18)

Happy Monday, friends! I’m not going to write a long intro today, because I’m tired and not feeling super inspired. I did want to share my reading progress with you though, so…
On to the books!

It’s been a great run of reads lately. Like, insanely good, to be honest. I haven’t disliked a single thing I’ve powered through. My most recent three reads all garnered at least 4 stars, with Kiss the Ground coming in at a 5 star rating because of how fascinating it was! If you’re at all interested in learning about our agricultural system, I highly recommend it.

I’m so slow at reading lately, but it’s mainly because I’m trying to slow down and enjoy the books I’ve been excited for. Which is why I just started Spymaster by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes, and plan to focus exclusively on this until I’m done!

I started this book, accidentally deleted it off of my Kindle, put it back on, and haven’t finished. So I’ll be finishing this up next as well.

That’s it for me! What are you reading this week?