Craving those Fall vibes.
Am I the only one who is craving what’s in the picture below, with all her little heart? I saw this picture today, and an audible sigh escaped my lips before I even had time to register that I’d done it. I need some Fall weather in my life.

Things Jessica Loves About Fall:
- Cozy sweaters are not only welcome, they are a must.
- Sipping hot tea or a foamy latte in the morning is extra comforting.
- BOOT SEASON. All the adorable boots and soft socks.
- Everything is warm colors.
- Pumpkin pie is for sale everywhere, and pumpkins are decor as well.
- Scarves. I love scarves. The bigger the better.
- Cool Saturday mornings spent reading under a blanket.
It’s funny, because when I was younger, and especially when I was in college, I craved Summer. That season meant lots of free time for reading, lazy days spent on the beach, and sleeping in.
As I get older, and more introverted, I crave cooler weather instead! It’s so comforting to be able to have all the things mentioned above, plus I don’t feel bad for going to be early and waking up late on weekends. That’s when the sun is up, and that’s when I am up. I honestly find that I’m happier, more productive, and get more reading done during the cooler weather. So I’m waiting eagerly for it. Impatiently.
What’s your favorite season? Why do you love it?