
A Pause For Some Reflection

rippling seawater reflecting pink evening sky
Photo by Ben Mack on Pexels.com

I am certain that everyone has found most of the year so far to be tough. We were pulled away from our jobs, our friends, our traditions, and forced to cope with it all. Parents became full-time teachers and playmates. People took to baking, cooking, knitting, and gardening to deal with the stress. You know what though? We are still here! If 2020 has taught me anything, it is that we are all stronger than we think we are.

So I thought today was an excellent day to take a step back, and reflect on the year I have had so far as a reader and a blogger. I know that my normal amount of content and caliber has been scarce this year. To be honest, the thing that I learned most about myself this year is that I needed to take a big, BIG step back for self care. I would always flit away from this blog for a month or so at a time, or “slow down” on review copies by only taking 5-6 a month instead of 8-10. I never allowed myself to just totally walk away and not feel bad about it.

This year has given me time to think about my place in the blogging world. I wondered for a while if I wanted to completely be done with it, and maybe pass the torch on to my co-blogger. She has been my rock you guys, so please give her so much love. This blog would have gone completely dormant without her. Anyway I have decided that I want to stay here. I love books, I love sharing thoughts, but most of all I love the friends I found here. So I will be sticking around! I just plan to be kinder to myself if I read slower than I want to.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful, albeit smaller, celebration yesterday. Maybe take a minute to pause for some self reflection yourself today? I know that we could all use some good vibes.