
Goodbye 2020, we aren’t all that sad to see you go.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Well friends, we’ve made it! This year has been a… challenge, to say the least. People have had their lives uprooted, lost jobs, lost friends, lost loved ones. I think though, if we look hard enough, we all gained some things too. I spent last night taking a look at things that were actually good about 2020, and I’d like to share them with you. I know it’s easy to just consider this a trash year, and move on. But what lessons has this really given us? Here’s what I found.

  • This year gave me a chance to be truly introspective. Having to spend so much time alone, and without the normal productivity level that I’m used to, showed me how I use all of that as an excuse to ignore my emotions. 2020 has given me massive coping tools, and I’m grateful for that.
  • Not being able to constantly see the people who were a part of the normal fabric of my life gave me time to really look at my relationships. I had time to truly appreciate the wonderful people who surround me, and also let go of those who needed to be let go.
  • 2020 was the year of total appreciation for the online community that I’ve built over the years. I have so much love for all my bookish friends! I also made new KPop friends, and had a blast participating in online concerts with them. In case you were wondering, online friends are real friends! I adore mine.
  • This year has given me an opportunity to spend so much more time with my husband, and really cement how lucky I am to have him in my life. We normally work opposite schedules, and fit as much time for one another in as possible. This year we were able to just relax together. We watched television, binged movie series, laughed a lot, and went out in nature together. Our relationship is even stronger now than it was at the beginning of the year, and I am thankful for it.

What has 2020 given you? Anything that you are taking with you into the new year?