A Rainy Day

I used to dislike rainy days when I had to go into the office, because it was always such a mess to commute in the rain. Rushing between trains with an umbrella, juggling bags of necessities, and dodging puddles that threatened to wet my socks. I’d always arrive at work flustered and tired, and it was only a warm cup of tea or coffee that was able to set things back to normal. Rainy days always felt like a nuisance.
Being home during this pandemic has given me a new appreciation for rainy days. Now I see them more as something to be thankful for. It’s a good reason to stay inside and relax. It’s a week that I don’t have to water our grass, and a respite from having to water the garden. I can leave the window cracked open, smell the wet earth and listen to the soft rain. Now rainy days are more of a soundtrack than a nuisance.
I’ll be honest guys, the more I stay home the more I don’t know how I used to do everything I did. I don’t know how I worked 40 hours a week, commuted 3 hours a day, cooked meals every day, attended my grad school program, kept our house clean, and still made any time at all for myself. This period of time has given me a lot to think about, in terms of my mental health and putting myself first. As we near the one year mark of this whole ordeal, I’m wondering if this year was actually a wake up call for me. I definitely have a lot to mull around.
Sending love to all of you, wherever you are. Stay safe, stay warm, stay kind.

One Comment
Madeline Kalvis
Agreed. Rainy days without the slog of getting somewhere are a treat.