Time Warp

I swear to you, I blinked and it had already been 8 days since either Tina or I wrote in here. I’m still trying to figure out how time can be so fluid while we’re all awaiting a return to some kind of normalcy. Some weeks seem like ages, and some fly by like its nothing. In an effort to try to bring you content at least twice a week, I’ve been pretty good about checking in regularly! But apparently I lost track of the relentless passage of time, as one of my friends so aptly put it the other day. Hahaha.
Anyhow, to update all of you on how things are going, they seem to be back to a steady pace! Reading is going well, if not quite as fast as I used to read. Life planning has reached a point where I feel comfortable again. Also I was blessed enough to get my first vaccine dose last week, so even things like going out to the grocery store feel mildly less terrifying. I am still being very careful, and am so excited to be fully vaccinated. That light at the end of the tunnel that I can now see has done wonders for my mental state though. Which is probably why the rest of things have been sliding every so slowly back into place.
I should have a book review for you this week! Also a post on the upcoming bingo game that I am planning to host over on Instagram, so look forward to that. Thanks to everyone for sticking with us during this absolutely bonkers last year! I’m happy if we could bring you even a little bit of light, and good reading choices.
Have a happy week!