Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts #5
We should always make time for the things we like. If we don’t, we might forget how to be happy.
The House in the Cerulean Sea – TJ Klune
I’m slowly working my way through this wonderful book, and it seems to be exactly what my brain needs right now. It’s sweet, whimsical, and yet full of so many hard truths that it makes my head spin. That small quote above is just one of the many gems in this book. So far I’ve seen themes of discrimination, the concept of self-worth, and even nature vs. nurture. I don’t know. This kind of feels like a warm hug for my mind and heart, which is something that I apparently didn’t know that I needed. Garden Spells is also sitting and waiting for me to finish it. The fact that I know how it ends though, and the fact that this next part is sad, is probably putting me off from it for a while.
Truth is that I’m slowly weaning myself off of my Metformin, since my sugar is much better than it was previously. The problem with that is that I learned a fascinating lesson that most of my mood swings were due to sugar spikes and crashes. So now I’m having to make sure that I eat the perfect balance of things every day and it’s kind of exhausting. Good for me, yes! And I’ll keep it up. But it is tiring to flip back and forth so often. I suppose this is why people don’t usually succeed at diets.
Now I’ll wander off to do some homework, but I want to leave you all with the fact that you should absolutely keep some whimsy in your life. Have a wall of brightly colored art you love. Collect stickers that you never intend to use. Buy that cupcake shaped cookie jar, even if it doesn’t go with your kitchen. Do what makes you happy! We only get a finite amount of time on this earth. Might as well enjoy it.