Book Reviews

Book Review: Pizazz by Sophy Henn

The Details

Media Type: Print Book
Title: Pizazz
Author: Sophy Henn
Publisher: Aladdin Books
Pages/Length: Paperback; 208
Release Date: June 1, 2021
Source: Publisher

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Discover the annoying side of being a superhero from snarky, reluctant hero Pizazz in this hilarious and highly illustrated new series for young middle graders—perfect for fans of Dog Man and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Most people think superhero work is awesome and fulfilling. Pizazz knows better. Whenever she’s in the middle of a movie or having fun with her friends, she has to dash off the save the world. And she’s always in the same outfit, including an embarrassing glittery cape, and the wedgies are unreal. Plus, being the good guy all the time is so not easy. Superheroes have bad days like everybody else, but Pizazz always has to be cheerful and noble and brave. More than anything, she just wants to be normal.

The Review

Ah, it has been a good while since I have had the opportunity to devour a good middle grade/transitioning reader book. They are always so much fun! There’s something brilliant about the mix between stellar illustrations, stylized fonts, and the base story. It makes books like Pizazz that perfect bridge for kids who love graphic novels, but want something with a little more story. I will fully admit, I’m almost 37 years old and I still love them too! Who doesn’t love to giggle at a good gross out joke?

So it should be no surprise to you, my dear reader friends, that I thoroughly enjoyed my romp through this book! Pizazz is absolutely adorable, although she would probably roll her eyes at me for saying so. As most kids her age would feel, she is lost after being taken away from her hometown and her best friends. If it wasn’t enough that she has to deal with being a superhero (which is exhausting and only cool sometimes), now she’s caught up in a new school as well. How is anyone supposed to make friends when they’re constantly being dragged away in the middle of the night to stop silly baddies?

Oh, and the baddies in this book are quite silly. There are a lot of giggle worthy points in this story, but the superhero fights get the crown. See, Pizazz does not like her super power. In a family full of people with amazing powers, and equally amazing super suits, she feels like she’s lesser. So in each fight she refuses to use it and, well, let’s just say that the outcome is very funny. Are you curious what Pizazz’s super power actually is? Good. Read this book! It’s worth your time!

I so very much recommend this to all the young readers out there! Pizazz’s story is funny, sweet, and full of some very important lessons as well! If you’re a parent who has a reader that loves Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Welcome to your new favorite series.