Chugging Along

Hi all! I’m here to check in, and give you a quick glimpse into where my headspace has been the last month or so.
I made the mistake of thinking that my final class for my MSPM started a week later than it actually did. Fantastic planning on my part. Hahaha. Off we went on a 23 day long road trip, and it turned out that the very first Tuesday we were gone I already had class. Since then I have written 9 assignments across 4 different states, composed promised blog posts in the car while traveling, and tried my absolute best to keep up with everything.
I’m finally home, and I can tell you that the trip was absolutely worth it! We visited 14 different states, saw friends and family who we haven’t seen in ages, and made memories that I will cherish forever. It was hard, it was exhausting, but I wouldn’t change it.
Now that I’m back though, I really need to buckle down on school. This final class is HARD. This is coming from a girl who, blessedly, is rather good at school. So I won’t be around until it’s over. I just need to keep my head down for these next 3 weeks and push. Once I’m free? I’ll be back in spades.
Give lots of love to Tina and all her content in the meantime, okay?