Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Rereads
So excited about this week’s prompt! I’m definitely the type to reread books, especially when things get stressful and I need something comforting. Ever since I decided that I will only stock my shelves with books that I absolutely love, and want to read again, it’s been even easier to find those cozy reads.
Let’s talk:

#5 Little Women remains one of my favorite stories of all time. I’ve read it at least 12 times (probably more, but I stopped counting) throughout my lifetime so far. It’s one of the first stories that I read as a younger reader that really hit me hard. The fact that the sisters were all so close, the loss, the sacrifice, but also all the pure joy, pulled me in and made me part of this family. It’s special to me.

#4 If you’re noticing a trend, regarding my love of darker and sadder stories, you aren’t wrong. It’s those darker fairy tales that really hit that spot when I’m feeling down. I think it’s the fact that the characters always find hope and light in that darkness. John Connolly’s The Book of Lost Things is the perfect example of that kind of story. It’s brilliant, and I’ll keep reading it forever.

#3 Falling right in line with the book above it, Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu is a story I also love for its bits of darkness. This story is gorgeous. It’s about friendship, even in the face of anger. It’s about bravery, even in the face of terror. It’s about doing what you know is right, even when it’s the hardest thing in the world. I adore this book with my whole heart. If you haven’t given it a shot yet, I highly suggest that you do!

#2 Is this a slightly odd reread, if you’re considering it a comforting thing? Possibly. However I reread IT once every few years on purpose, right around now, because this is a book that important to me. It’s the kind of story that you find something new in every time you pick it back up. King’s tale also has the power to make me cry every single darn time, no matter the fact that I know what’s coming. I love this book!

#1 Taking the top spot, and this is definitely not a shock if you know me at all, is The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. I love all of his books, and have read them all multiple times, but this one is my absolute favorite. It’s a little dark, a little sad, and yet full of the kind of friendships and love that just makes my heart happy. There’s something about this story that resonates with me when I’m feeling down, and I’ve read/listened to it more times than I can count.
That’s it for me! Which books do you love to reread? Shout them out!
Make my TBR ever larger. Please?