Bookish Spotlight: Jackie from Bookworm Cafe
Welcome to a new post series here on Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile! Back when I first started this blog, I used to interview other bloggers and share their content. I’ve missed doing that so much! It was a great way to get to know others who share the same passion, and give some much deserved love to amazing creators. So, it’s time to do that again! Check this space every other Saturday for a new spotlight, and click here if you’d like to sign up to be a spotlight yourself!
Our spotlight today is Jackie from Bookworm Cafe!
Instagram | Blog | TikTok
Jackie’s page first caught my eye because she does some wonderful reviews! At the time I didn’t know that she also had a blog, but that makes perfect sense. If you’re looking for short and sweet reviews, this is your spot!
Okay, time for me to stop rambling, and let you all get to know Jackie a bit better. Please enjoy a short interview with her below, and don’t forget to take some time to go and visit her!
Lightning round questions! Please answer with 15 words or less:
One book I would always recommend is Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover or anything Rick Riordan
If I had to pick a favorite genre it would be romance because I love reading about people getting their HEAs
I would describe myself as quiet, shy, introvert, loyal
Can you share why you decided to start a bookstagram/blog?
I started I started a blog back in 2014 to help promote indie authors.
What is your favorite part about the bookish community?
Definitely all the new friends I’ve made. They’re the best!
If we were to peek into your space right now, what collections (other than books of course) would we find?
Book sleeves for sure. They take up three shelves on my bookcase.
Where is your favorite place to read, and what absolutely needs to be there to make it feel perfect?
I am a bed My couch. I just need a drink and a blanket.
Lastly, what is one page (bookstagram or blog) that inspires you and you would LOVE to share with others?
@raesradreads – she is so encouraging and such a great friend.
Our next spotlight will be in two weeks! Until then, happy reading.