Top 5 Tuesday: Favorite Illustrated Books

Happy Tuesday friends!
As promised, I’m slowly ramping up posting in here again, with a focus on doing what feels right at any given point. I’m still a little slow at reading, but I’ll have some reviews for you soon! The goal is no burnout. I’m proud of how well I’m doing. Until then, let’s participate in some weekly memes!
Top THREE Favorite Illustrated Books
Okay yes, it’s supposed to be five. But truth be told, I’m pretty picky about books with illustrations in them, and it took me forever to narrow it down to these wonderful stories. So I’m cheating. Hahaha. I acknowledge it ;). Now you just know I love these books that much more!
In no particular order, here are some of the illustrated books that I absolutely ADORE.

First off, if you’ve never experienced Neil Gaiman’s writing I’m going to need you to get on that. His books are some of my all time favorites, and Neverwhere is UP THERE on the list. So what could possibly make one of my favorite books even better? Why, illustrations by Chris Riddell of course. His artwork is stellar. It’s moody, a little gritty, and it fits this whole story perfectly. I highly recommend this version as a way to introduce yourself to the world!
Neverwhere Illustrated Edition by Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell (Illustrator)

Ah, this book. It lives forever in my mind as a magical experience, because Anne Ursu absolutely knows how to write a fairy tale. Here we have a story of friendship, of heartbreak, and of standing strong in the face of insurmountable odds. Hazel and Jack’s story is sure to enchant you on its own, but the beautifully executed illustrations in this book give it a whole extra level of amazing. You know what I’m going to say. I highly recommend this one. It’s Middle Grade, yes, and it’s a story for everyone.

The Rithmatist is one of those books that I tried to pick up on audio first and then I was so confused. The text kept referring to images and I sat there with a frown on my face… what was I missing? so I promptly borrowed the library book and AHA! This book is FILLED with wonderful illustrations that enhance the story. Magic symbols, tables, funny scribbles in journals. Really, this needs to be experienced in a paper format. It’s a wonderfully done Fantasy story if you take the time to dive in! (Which reminds me that I need to finish this series.)
The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson, Ben McSweeney (Illustrator)
How about you? Any favorites? I’m always taking recommendations!!!!