Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Five Most Anticipated Books for Fall/Winter 2022

Happy Tuesday friends! Getting back into the blogging groove again slowly. I had a great birthday weekend, and I promised myself that when I came back I’d take things slow and steady and not burn myself out. I’m actually starting to finish books again, and feel like reviewing again, so that’s so great! But I won’t rush. It will happen when it happens. Until then, let’s participate in some weekly memes!

This week it’s actually TOP 5, which thank goodness because this was a hard one. My answers are below!

Top Five Most Anticipated Books – Second Half of 2022

In no particular order, here are the books that I am really, REALLY excited about!

  • How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow – A Sapphic, Jewish enemies to lovers Rom Com! This looks absolutely adorable AND excellent. I cannot wait to dive into it!
  • Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail (Bright Falls #2) by Ashley Herring Blake – I read the first book in this series, and it was one of my favorites of the year. It was funny, inclusive, sweet, and just all around perfection. I’m ready for more!
  • The Sunbearer Trials (The Sunbearer Duology #1) by Aiden Thomas – I just found this book in one of those book recommendation emails, and I was immediately smitten. There is nothing that I love more than books based in lore, and when they’re inclusive also? You’ve got me hooked.
  • A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo – Look, I won’t lie, you’re correct in assuming that every book on this list has some LGBTQ rep. I’m reading more broadly and I’m LOVING it. So Malinda Lo had me with the synopsis of this book. Check it out!
  • Lute by Jenn Marie Thorne – Rounding things out with a horror book, because spooky season approaches! I love stories about mysterious disappearances somehow tying into a “bountiful” land. So this was an immediate must read. I can’t wait.

That’s it for me! What’s on your radar for the upcoming Fall season?


  • Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books

    I read Last Night at the Telegraph Club recently and that’s made me so excited for Scatter of Light!

  • Susan

    Welcome back to blogging and happy belated birthday! I hope you’re able to enjoy blogging again. It’s too easy to burn yourself out doing this. Enjoy your reads.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
