Melancholy and Medicine

Once again I am sick, and once again I have no idea where I got it from. *sobs in small coughs* One of the best parts about being home more often is that I don’t get sick nearly as often as I used to. However the downside is that when I do get sick, it’s pretty brutal. On the bright side, it’s not COVID! So I’ll take it. I’ve spent most of today medicated, and feeling sorry for myself. I’ll be totally honest, I’m a big baby when I’m sick.
I remember as a kid I used to LOVE sick days from school. I’d get a giant stack of books, a giant bottle of water, and make a nest for myself to hide in all day. Even though I wasn’t feeling well, it was such a fun feeling of like… separation. Away from school. Away from life. Away from all worries except resting up and trying to feel better. I’ve been trying to channel that feeling all day haha. It probably helped that back then I had a mom to make me snacks and take care of me. It’s way tougher when it’s just you.
However today did give me an opportunity to read some more, and I am (hilariously) half way or more through three separate books. It’s kind of a disaster really. I can’t decide which one to finish first. Well, except that the library decided for me when it told me my book was due back soon hahaha. But still, after I finish these three books I’ll be at 40 for the year! Not too shabby. My goal was 52 and it looks like I’m going to hit that. I’m a happy bookworm.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble, friends <3.