It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Happy Monday, and happy day off to anyone else who was able to have one today!
I’m having a mild heart attack that it’s already the middle of the month. As a quick life update, I got a promotion! But the month of January was reserved for training my replacement and I can’t believe how quickly time has flown. Phew. At least it has been productive! I can even say the same for my reading. I’m actually on track this year, and reading things that I enjoy as well. It’s been so nice.
That being said, let’s take a look at what’s in the works!

Read Last Week:
I am mid way through many books, but I unfortunately didn’t finish a single one last week. (See above comment about training for work, lol.) On the bright side, all the books I AM reading I’m having a blast with. I should be done with The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy today and I can’t wait to review it. I am absolutely loving it!
Currently Reading:

This is where all of my books are currently living, in the “currently reading” pile hahaha. I’ve been doing my best to finish them up, but life has been getting in the way. As I said though, I’m enjoying every single one of these! Heat Wave and Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail in particular were books I’ve been waiting for, for quite a while! So I’m a happy bookworm.
Reading Next:

My book Discord is currently reading The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, and will be having a discussion soon! I can’t wait to start this. I’ve owned the book for a long time, and I just love the cover. Now I have a great reason to read it. Also on the agenda is a buddy read of Seoulmates which I am equally as excited for! It’s so CUTE sounding. I’m ready.
That’s it for me! What are you reading this week?