Work Stuff and Exhaustion

Man, this week got away from me. I was so proud because I managed to post on Monday and then suddenly I blinked and it was Friday. It’s just been one of those kinds of weeks where the days blend in to one another, and I’m just helplessly dragged along. My transition at work is going smoothly, but it has also been a lot to deal with. Training someone else, while simultaneously being trained? Well, it’s a lot. I’m not even surprised that my brain pushed all things about the blog out. Hahaha.
Happily though, I have been reading! It’s only the 20th and I’ve already hit my 4 books for the month. I’m hoping to hit a little higher than my 52 books a year goal this year, but to be honest I’m also just enjoying not rushing myself. Being able to actually SAVOR books has been lovely. Being able to slowly unravel a story, instead of pushing through it to hit a deadline. I forgot how much I missed that. Do I still occasionally binge a book? You bet I do! But it is organic, and it feels good.
I think that has really helped me calm down on the stress. Which is great since this whole work transition thing would not be going so well otherwise. Am I exhausted? Without a doubt. But I’ve only got one more week to go and I’m in surprisingly good spirits. So I won’t beat myself up for the blog being a little scarce.
That being said, I’m not off to write up and schedule some posts for next week while I have the steam ;). So enjoy your weekend everyone!