Yes, this is a post about the rain.

If you’re on Twitter you’ve probably seen that #LARain and #flooding have been trending like mad, and that’s totally warranted. We’re on our third week of pretty consistent rain and, today in particular, has been a straight up DELUGE. (I love that word.) Living in a place that constantly bemoans the lack of rain, and then is never prepared for large quantities of rain, will never cease to crack me up. *sigh* This is basically our personality now. LA people love/hate rain with their whole souls.
Luckily I was able to work from home today, because (see earlier infrastructure notes) it was not safe to ride public transit into downtown today. So I’m inside, nice and toasty, watching my backyard slowly turn into a small pool. On the bright side I won’t need to water our garden or our grass for probably a month after this. On a further bright side, our water table is finally slowly inching up. We will still be in a drought most likely, but this is a nice “drop in the bucket”. Ha.
Days like today see me just downing cup after cup of tea, and debating on which book is the best book to read in between meetings at lunch time. Days like today also make me desperately wish for a window seat. Man. I’ve wanted one since I was a wee little Jessica, but on days like today I want one even more. To sit in a big window, and watch the rain pour outside. That’s the stuff that dreams are made of. In reality though I’m actually really glad we responsibly (yay adulthood) replaced all our windows last summer. No leaks for us, and I’m a happy homeowner.
Anyway this is just me rambling. I have some upcoming reviews this week! And I will be starting to post a rough outline of what is coming up in the TBR as well. I’m still very pro “pick a book at the time”, but it’ll be nice to keep myself accountable for new releases and buddy reads too :). Until next time, stay dry and stay safe friends!