Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Book Blogger Hop (4/5/23)

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Oh MAN, it’s been so long since I’ve participated in one of these! Back in the day (this blog is now… 13 years old?) I used to participate in the weekly hop all the time! It’s a great way to meet new friends, and a lot of fun to read other people’s answers to the question. I can’t wait to join in again! So let’s go!

This week’s question is:
Do you spend your lunchtime reading?

opened book
Photo by Sumit Mathur on Pexels.com

Ah, for the first time in my life I’m actually going to have to answer no to this question. Now, let me elaborate. Once upon a time, I used to work a job where I was literally allowed to read all day. My work was so easy and monotonous that I used to read books while I was doing it, and so my lunch break was actually my break from reading. It was my social time! I’d spend my lunchtime play Uno with my coworkers, or just catching up on gossip about the latest TV shows.

Fast forward to my new job, and my newfound obsession with audiobooks, and we’re basically in the same boat. I work on a lot of spreadsheets, so I tend to listen to audiobooks as I work as a means of distraction from the monotonous. It has actually been a really great way for me to focus, oddly. So I’m considering that a win! On my lunch breaks now, since I work from home most of the time, I tend to play video games or watch a KDrama episode or two! It’s super relaxing.

That isn’t to say that I don’t read physical books anymore. I do! I actually have a pretty good habit of reading a chapter or two of my latest print book before bed. You can also often find me lounging outside in our hammock on weekends, devouring my latest read. I’ll never be over the feeling of holding a physical book. It’s something special that just can’t be duplicated. So I might not read at lunch, but I definitely still get my reading in.

So that’s my answer! What’s your answer?