Summer Vibes

Hello again lovelies! Yes, yes I know. I’ve been gone for ages. Despite my best efforts the burnout was real. To prove this point, I quite literally have only finished 21 books so far this year. To some people that may be a lot. Keep in mind though that I used to read 200+ a year. So… yeah. I’ve been slowly trimming off things that no longer suit me in an effort to get my motivation back. As you might have noticed, I cut my bookstagram loose. I also haven’t been on Twitter as much. (Especially with all the website awfulness lately.) But I HAVE been reading despite it all. And I’m even picking up a bit of speed again.
The good news is that work has finally settled after six months in my new position. I feel more confident about my work, I am WAY more supported than I was before, and I’ve gotten into a pretty nice system while working from home. I don’t want to promise too much, but I feel like I might be able to write some reviews again. That being said, I just want to give a ton of love to my co-blogger Tina for holding it down in here. I feel kind of bad sometimes that I disappear for months at a time.
But that’s life. Right?
Anyway, hugs! Miss you all. How is your reading going so far this year?