The Remnants of a Long Weekend

I’m still baffled as to how it can be a long weekend, and I still come back to work on Tuesday the same level of tired as always hahaha. As I have said many a time today, it is the Mondayest Tuesday that there ever was. I’m sitting at my work desk and trying my best not to blink too long, and accidentally take a nap. I might have to give in an get some caffeine soon, even though I’ve been trying my best not to drink as much. It seems it’ll be a necessity today.
Anyway I just wanted to check in! I’ve been working on reviews, I’ve been doing my best to get some posts up for you all too. I really wanted to put a Top 10 Tuesday today, but as I was working on it I got distracted and then didn’t finish it. So we’ll try again next week! I’ve been reading Stephen King’s latest short story collection, and having a blast. What this man has that makes him such a prolific writer I still can’t fathom, but I eagerly devour everything that he writes. This short story collection is giving me life.
I hope all of you had a nice long weekend too! Here’s hoping that you got some reading done, and maybe a few naps in too. Until later this week, hugs.