Mid-Summer Feelings and Reading Update

I remember when I used to love summer as a teen. We had a three-month long summer vacation and so I’d eagerly await being off of school so that I could sleep in, read all day, go to movies with my friends to escape the desert heat, and do craft projects. As an adult though? I’m so over summer haha. It’s hot, I still have to commute to work, and MAN do I miss being able to open up our house during the day time. At least I still get my reading time in though. It’s a little slower than it used to be, but we’re making progress to my yearly goal.
I set my goal at 52 books for the year because that felt like something infinitely achievable after my rough ending to last year. I’m happy to report that I’m currently at 32 books out of 52! Making excellent progress. Right now I’m reading The Gunslinger and can I tell you a secret? I’ve been trying to read this book for literal years. I always pick it up at the wrong time, get distracted, and walk away from it. So this time I was determined to make it through Roland’s story and see what everyone else loves so very much about this series. I’m 75% through this time and absolutely loving it. It must finally be the right time for this story.
Do you ever find that to be true? That it’s just not the right time for a book and you have to set it aside? I find that it mostly happens for me when I’m already in a book slump. I’ll try and abandon books until one feels like the right fit. I dnf’d two other books before choosing The Gunslinger so I suppose that proves my point haha. I’m just glad I’ve settled into a good reading mood again and I’m hoping it sticks around.
Anyway more reviews coming next week! Happy weekend my friends!