Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

Book Blitz and Giveaway: The Legendary Mo Seto by A.Y. Chan

Hello friends! Long time no see! Life has been hectic and overwhelming as of late (divorce, moving, etc) so I haven’t been able to give my time to keeping up with you all and this blog. I promise we’re still here, and even occasionally reading! For now, I have a few upcoming books that I wanted to showcase because they sound absolutely wonderful. Today’s is no exception.

Mo Seto, martial arts movie star! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Too bad there’s a height restriction to audition. But 12-year-old Modesty (Mo) Seto has never let her height get in the way before, not when she became a black belt, or when she fought the meanest boy in her class, and she’s not going to let it stop her this time! Now if only she can figure out a way to grow five inches and fool everyone at the auditions…and find time to search for her missing father (who just might be harboring a dangerous secret of his own). Join Mo on an adventure (and audition) of a lifetime and find out if powerful things really do come in small packages!

Publishers Weekly calls THE LEGENDARY MO SETO “Adrenaline pumping”, Kirkus Reviews
says it “Packs a punch”, and Booklist calls it “Remarkably relatable.” Leap in and join the fun!

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“You’re so gonna lose,” he says, low enough that only I can hear. “’Cause . . .”

He bends his knees so he’s several inches shorter—though even in this position, he towers over

I feel a tiny rip in my chest, like when a balloon is pinched but doesn’t pop, that slow leak of

Dax knows how to hit where it hurts. Junior-level sparring is based on age and belt level, not on
size. Even after vitamins, and broccoli, and jumping jacks for a year, I’m still only four-foot-six-
and-a-half. Mom says the women in her family are late bloomers, but she’s barely four-foot-nine,
so I’m not holding my breath.

Why do I have to be so small? The familiar thought bursts through like a weed after a rainstorm.
I used to destroy Dax all the time, but ever since his growth spurt at the end of last summer,
he’s beat me in the fall, winter, and spring tournaments.

That’s three. Three tourneys.

Silver is great too. Variety is the spice of life, Dad would say, as if losing gold isn’t a big deal.
But in the days and weeks after, he’d be more subdued and make me train twice as long every
day. Kick harder, Mouse. You must beat him next time, Mouse. Because being the best really
does matter to him. A lot.

It matters to me, too. Today’s tourney, the Dost Valley Cali-wide Mid-Year Tae Kwon Do
Championship, takes place right at the start of summer, and it is the biggest one of the year. I’ll
show Dax.

A. Y. Chan grew up in Canada’s Greater Toronto Area reading all the middle grade and young adult books she could get her hands on. To this day, those remain her favorite genres. After achieving her black belt in Taekwondo, she explored other martial arts, such as Wing Chun,
Hapkido, and Muay Thai. These days, she continues her martial arts training some mornings, writes in the afternoons, takes long walks to muddle out plot points, and falls asleep reading.


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  • Marianne Judy

    Thank you so much for featuring this book today!

  • marcymeyer

    The cover is very cute. Love it.

  • Kim

    I enjoyed the excerpt.

  • Sherry

    Looks like a very interesting book.

  • sidlaw0425

    This looks very exciting. Thanks for sharing.

  • Tracie Cooper

    Do you have a favorite book from childhood?

  • Marisela Zuniga

    This looks like a great book

  • traciemich

    Are any of the characters based on real people or inspired by them?

  • traciemich

    What’s next for you as an author?

  • traciemich

    What makes a great story?