Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025

Hello friends, and happy Tuesday! As you probably saw from my post on Sunday, last week was a rough one. My workplace still hasn’t allowed us to come back in physically, and it kind of feels like I’m living in a weird in-between place. But things are slowly getting better, and the outpouring of community love to those who need it most has been amazing. People can be wonderful, and they can surprise you.
Bookish Goals for 2025
I kind of started this post when the year started, but I’ve had some time to sit down and really think about what I want to accomplish as both a reader, and as a book blogger, this year. So here are ten things I’m going to focus on as much as I can.
- My goal is 60 books this year, so 5 books a month. Therefore I’d like to make sure 2 of 5 books every month that I read are books I already own.
- Buy only 10 books in the whole year, and keep using mostly the library. Purchases of books I’ve previously read and want to own do not count towards the 10.
- Draft at least 2 posts for the blog every Saturday, so that I have content ready to go in case things happen. (I’m looking at you failed 2024 wrap up posts.)
- Hard DNF rules. No more continuing on with a book if I’m not feeling it. I am free to quit it, and move on to something I want to read more.
- Catch up on my Netgalley reviews. I have a backlog of about 20 books I didn’t read last year while I wasn’t doing well. So I’d like to keep my promise and get reviews up of those for the publishers/authors.
- Read more non-fiction. I’d specifically like to tackle more books about supply chains, sustainability and gardening!
- Learn to annotate. I LOVE watching people annotate books, but I’ve never tried it before. I find myself increasingly wanting to remember more things about books now that I’ve slowed down my reading though, and so I want to give it a shot.
- Clean up my shelves. I still have so many finished books sitting on them that were gifted to me by publishers unsolicited in the last 10 years, that I haven’t gotten to. It’s time to see whether I’d like to read them, or gift them away to Little Free Libraries.
- Interact more with the bookish community. I used to make rounds and comment on blogs I loved, and participate in weekly memes. I miss it, and I want to do more of it this year!
- HAVE FUN. Yes, this is a goal. I need to remind myself that if I get burnt out it’s absolutely okay to step back and take a break. Reading should be fun.
That’s it for me! What are your bookish goals for 2025? Share them in the comments, or drop your post and I’ll come by and visit!

I, too, want to read more nonfiction! You’re not alone there.
Jessica N.
I feel like it’s such a good goal! I just needed to whittle down what I wanted to focus on.
I’d like to DNF more books this year, and then post short reviews about them explaining why. Your goals sound doable, good luck!
Jessica N.
Oh actually the reviews about why for DNF books is an excellent idea! I’m going to borrow that!
Good luck with only buying 10 books all year!
I think I vow to read more non-fiction every single year and I never really do it. I need to actually do it this year! Good luck to both of us
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Improving my NetGalley ratio is a big one for me as well! It feels impossible at the moment, but I’m hoping to make significant progress this year. Good luck with yours!